Convex News

EOR – To Increase the Existing Production

Related to the Government’s target of 1-million-barrels of oil per day in 2030, SKK Migas have developed some planned actions which need to be performed by all of the respective parties within the industry. These actions are maintaining base production, ensuring the transformation from reserves to production, enhanced oil recovery (EOR), and exploration. As one...

Exploration is needed to support Indonesia’s future energy needs

Oil and gas are non-renewable energy resources and cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a quick enough pace to keep up with consumption. The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources have stated that  Indonesia’s oil reserves of around 3,77 billion barrels will run out in about 9 years at today’s production rate, while...

Oil and Gas Sector Still Holds an Important Role for Future Energy Supply

The Indonesian Government continues to accelerate the transition to renewable energy to secure domestic energy supply. Indonesia is set to pursue a renewable energy portion of 23% in the national energy mix in 2025. The declining oil and gas reserves in the last few years have pushed the Government to swiftly develop renewable energy resources....

Indonesia to push oil production to 1 million BOPD

After years of declining oil production, Indonesia once again aims to reach 1 million barrels of oil per day (BOPD) of production in 2030. A new giant oil and gas discovery is needed to realize this target. Earlier this week, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Arifin Tasrif presented the projected oil and gas production...


The Upstream Oil and Gas Special Task Force (SKK Migas) have stated that new investment is needed to increase Indonesia’s oil and gas production. Since last year, SKK Migas has rolled out a road show presenting the country’s oil and gas potential to several international oil companies. They claim that Indonesia is still one of...


It is challenging for Indonesia to meet its oil and gas lifting target, and even more challenging to boost it up. In 2019, based on data from The Upstream Oil and Gas Special Task Force (SKK Migas), Indonesia’s oil and gas lifting is below its targets which are 746,000 barrel oil per day (BOPD) and...

Gas, Indonesia’s Chance to Meet It’s Energy Demand and Boost Up Its Industry

As its oil production continues to plummet, gas has become an opportunity for Indonesia to meet its energy demand. Therefore, gas is no longer being treated as a  source of revenue for Indonesia, but as a key driver of its economy and industrial growth. Data from The Upstream Oil and Gas Special Task Force (SKK...